<橄欖油蒜香鮮蝦義大利麵 - Lemony Spaghetti with Garlic Shrimp>


Lemony Spaghetti with Garlic Shrimp


This cuisine is a combination of those simple ingredients you can found in your pantry. However, it takes no more than 15 minutes to make. With creamy olive oil sauce, each bite is full of the aroma of garlic and parsley. This easy and classic Italian dish is suitable to satisfy every lonely heart.

食材 - What You'll Need

  • 義大利麵 .......... 1 / 人份 
  • 蒜頭 .................. 6-7 / 瓣
  • 巴西里 .............. 1 / 小把
  • 鮮蝦 .................. 5 / 隻
  • 檸檬 .................. 1 / 顆
  • 黑胡椒 .............. 1 / 茶匙
  • 鹽 ...................... 適量
  • 1 pound of spaghetti
  • 4-5 cloves of garlic
  • 5 shrimps, peeled and deveined, tail intact
  • 1/4 cup of chopped flat-leaf parsley leaves
  • 1/3 cup of extra-virgin olive oil
  • Juice of 1 lemon

  • 起一鍋鹽水(一小鍋的水配上3-4茶匙的鹽),滴入一小茶匙橄欖油入鍋後將義大利麵放入,我習慣不煮得太軟,留有一些麵心比較好吃,此時可以先備料。
  • Set a large pot of water over heat to boil. While it reach a rolling boil, salt the water and add spaghetti. Giving it a good stirs to keep them from clumping together. (a tea spoon of olive oil in the water can also prevent that.) 

STEP 2  
  • 巴西里與蒜頭剁碎末,蒜頭分成兩份。
  • Minced garlic and chopped parsley leaves.
  • 蝦子剝殼去頭去腸泥。
  • Peeled and deveined shrimps with tail intact. (Please keep the shrimp head that would be used in the following step.)

  • 倒入兩大匙的橄欖油,將蝦子先入鍋兩面煎熟後先拿起備在一旁。
  • Putting the olive oil to a medium skillet and heat up. Place shrimp to the skillet and colored them per side. Afterward, take them aside.

  • 保留煎蝦的油將備料好其中一份的蒜末倒下,小火慢煎至金黃色後將蝦殼和蝦頭倒入,一邊炒一邊可以將蝦膏擠出,炒至蝦殼變色後加入兩大杓麵水轉大火開始收濃醬汁至微微濃稠(油的乳化反應),再將蝦殼蝦頭都取出。
  • After taking the shrimp aside, adding minced garlic and shrimp head which would add more flavor of shrimp to the olive oil. And cook until garlic is fragrant and lightly colored about 1 minutes. Be careful not to overcook the garlic, or it will become bitter. Later, take all the shrimp head off and add few tablespoon of pasta cooking water.

  • 加入義大利麵、蝦子和巴西里均勻攪拌,此時義大利麵會開始吸收醬汁,起鍋前再將最後一份大蒜末倒入拌勻,撒上黑胡椒和檸檬汁(可以的話刨入一些檸檬皮可以增加香氣)即可起鍋。
  • After the sauce get slightly creamy, tossing cooked spaghetti, shrimp, left half of garlic and parsley. Giving them a good stir. (Add a little bit of the pasta cooking water, as needed, if the mixture is too dry.) Before serving, adding the lemon juice. (Some lemon peel can also adding a fresh smell of lemon.)


  • 此料理以蒜油的香味和入口後尾端的麵香為主體,切記以小火煸蒜油,以免燒焦。 
  • 起鍋後一點檸檬汁可以降低油膩感和增加清新的香氣。




而我們在看義大利麵料理的教學時,也能時常聽見這個名詞,廚師會使用煮義大利麵的麵水,倒入平底鍋中,讓麵水中的澱粉可以與鍋中的油份藉由充份攪拌麵條使其達到乳化的效果,如此一來,原先如水般的醬汁也變得濃稠更好扒在麵體上喔,而導致這種現像的原因是澱粉中含類似蛋黃內卵磷脂的成份 (後者常用來做沙拉醬的乳化劑),再藉由攪拌麵條的動作,使得醬汁的乳化能夠順利的完成~。

